Honour Bright - She's Got a Card For Everything

To say that I love Honour Bright is an understatement because I'm actually IN LOVE! Founded, owned and nurtured by Alex Ruston, Honour Bright is a modern stationary businesses making the most adorable + witty paper goods. It's hard to pick just one because they all make you smile, giggle or feel some type of warm feeling inside. HB began as an Etsy shop but is now a full blown e-commerce store. Besides being an absolute sweetheart, Alex has crazy passion that she brings to life in her designs. You name it, she has a greeting card for anything you need. We really need to do more of this hand writing thing in 2018.

Honour Bright Workshop
Seasons Greetings

Alex is such an old soul - always listening to 60's tunes, and putting old school vibes into her creative work. The term "Honour Bright" came from a memory shared by Alex and her Nana, who as a child she would visit in British Columbia. During visits, they would crawl into bed and read the "Old Fashioned-Give" which is where the term first surfaced. When the two were once again provinces apart from each other, Alex and her Nana would send letters to each other, always signing it with "Honour Bright" - a promise to always write. Like Alex, I also believe in hand written letters and giving loved ones that small piece of magic to pick up in the mail. Natural to her, Alex loves the complexity of relationships and the beauty of communication, which makes owning a paper goods biz so fitting to who she is. 

There is just something so wonderful about opening your mailbox to find a parcel, or a hand written note from someone in our beautiful world. Am I right? Check out this babe below.

Alex Ruston
Alex Ruston

If she isn't drinking coffee or water colouring the shiz out of some new designs, you can probably find her dancing to Elvis Presley and coming up with cheesy slogans for her newest cards. From the words of Alex herself, "The cheesier the better".  I myself, have a small inventory at home and use them all the time in a pinch. When I go to grab a card, I know it's hand-crafted, local, witty, and a piece of love on paper that makes me feel good too. Honour Bright is going to be the next best thing - I know it. And let me tell you this...her workshop is so darn cute. It wouldn't be hard to find inspiration in a place like that.

Birthday Card
Happy Holidays

Our "meeting" wasn't all business. We did some scone eating and catching up too! Alex and I met last year at a bowling birthday bash, and I think I can speak for both of us when I say there was an instant connection. Alex was still in the beginning stages of launching her online store, but I was so intrigued at this idea and knew it would be a total success. We both share an uncontrollable love for our small town communities, and it makes us love where we live. For Alex, who previously live in the city, now loves living in the countryside of Kimberly, Ontario where she can hike, snow shoe and scream into the forest at the top of her lungs if she really wanted. People are more invested in partnerships + relationships with businesses in this area, and it's such a selling point for small communities. For her, it's not just about the creation, but the people too. Local artisans rock, yo!

Alex Ruston

Listen here. There is something so sweet and subtle about these greeting cards that makes it so easy to love Honour Bright. I 100% support your business, Al. You have such genuine visions, and a heart that I see in every piece you curate. You're talented, thoughtful, quirky and everyone deserves a little piece of your magic. Everyone.

Check out her website or follow her on Instagram, plz! @honourbright.

Mucho love for Honour Bright xx